$19 every 3 months

Telegram Support Channel for Aris

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Telegram Support Channel for Aris

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You are using Aris - Elegant & Powerful Serverless Personal Website /Portfolio /vCard /Resume!, and too busy to read document, or you are style of getting the results immediately. This subscription service is for you!

Benefit: allows you to ask me anything related to Aris and get answers within minutes (GMT+7) via Telegram @ https://t.me/anhpw (you would be asked for license-key of this service for the very first time to confirm your subscription).

Note: This is not a customize service. Just a support channel with the highest priority. And you could get the same support quality through Aris' default support channel (via email) but a little delay as I will only reply email one to two times a day.

Demo 🌍 https://aris.chasoft.net

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Docs 📄 https://docs.chasoft.net


You will get support for ARIS via Telegram

Ask anything related to Aris
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within minutes
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